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Diffusion and transfer of knowledge in agriculture

de Christian Huyghe (éditeur), Pascal Bergeret (éditeur), Uno Svedin (éditeur)
novembre 2016
Open Access
Diffusion and transfer of knowledge in agriculture - eBook [ePub]
Ce livre est disponible en version papier sur notre site libraire.


This book focuses on innovation in the agri-food system and the new paradigm drawn by bioeconomic approaches and principles. It draws on contributions presented during the 29th EURAGRI annual conference held in Luxemburg (September 2015) as well as on other workshops organised as part of EURAGRI. EURAGRI is an informal gathering of EU research and higher education organisations and ministries interested in agri-food research. It works as a platform of exchange and discussion on topics of common interest pertaining to the organisation, orientation and outlook of agri-food research in Europe in connection with global changes.


Marc Hansen, Minister of Higher Education and Research of Luxembourg

Fernand Etgen,  Minister of Agriculture, Viticulture and Consumer Protection of Luxembourg


Introduction. Innovation in the agri-food system and the bioeconomy

Pascal Bergeret, Christian Huyghe, Uno Svedin


Chapter 1. Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. A challenge for Europe

Erik Mathijs, Gianluca Brunori, Michael Carus, Michel Griffon, Luisa Last


The transition to a sustainable European bioeconomy: premises and conditions

State of play in the bioeconomy




Chapter 2. Sustainability as innovation: challenges and perspectives in measurement and implementation

Vera Bitsch


Innovation: definition and framework

Defining sustainability

Challenges in developing a measurement system

Examples of measurement of sustainability in agricultural value chains

Critical issues in the development of measurement systems and conclusions



Chapter 3. The contributions of the social sciences and humanities to the bioeconomy: implications for agriculture and food

Uno Svedin


Framing the issues

The agri-food bioeconomy




Chapter 4. Food value chains: a challenge for innovation

Wolfgang Bokelmann


Means of coordination: the governance perspective

Future challenges



Chapter 5. Obstacles to the diffusion of innovation in the agricultural sector

Wolfgang Bokelmann, Bettina König

Innovation: the key to meeting future challenges

Driving forces of innovation

Delving into the concept of innovation

Practical experience

Taking a systemic view

Uncertainty in the innovation process

Incentives in the innovation process

Considering the entire process



Chapter 6. Confrontation of knowledge transfer models between advanced innovation systems and post-socialist regions in Central Europe

Niclas Rüffer


Research design and methodology

Effective knowledge and technology transfer – high-performing regional systems vs. the Opole Voivodship





Chapter 7. Agricultural knowledge chain – Examples from SLU, Alnarp, Sweden

Lena Ekelund


The knowledge chain versus the knowledge innovation system

Organisation of collaboration

How Partnership Alnarp works

Other forms of collaboration



Chapter 8. New strategic approaches for promoting the diffusion of innovations within the horticultural sector

Myriam Stenger, Marianne Altmann, Monika Schreiner


Forming the future in German horticulture – the mandate

Mode of diffusion – structured and participative

Achieving successful innovation diffusion

Well-equipped for the future – strategic guidelines



Final conclusion

Carole Crumley, Bettina Heimann

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Dans la même thématique


Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Éditions Quae

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Matière à débattre et décider

Publication : 28 novembre 2016

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9782759225958

Intérieur : Couleur

Référence eBook [ePub] : 02571EPB

Taille(s) : 1,35 Mo (ePub)

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