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Livestock grazing systems and sustainable development in the Mediterranean and Tropical areas

Recent knowledge on their strengths and weaknesses

de Alexandre Ickowicz (coordination éditoriale), Charles-Henri Moulin (coordination éditoriale)
avril 2023
Open Access
Livestock grazing systems and sustainable development in the Mediterranean and Tropical areas - eBook [ePub]
Livestock grazing systems and sustainable development in the Mediterranean and Tropical areas - eBook [PDF]
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Family-run ruminant grazing systems in the Mediterranean and tropical areas contribute directly to eight of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. For a long time, these livestock systems have been on the fringe of agricultural investment efforts. However, they have undeniable assets to meet these SDGs in interaction with other forms of livestock production systems present in the territories. But they also face a set of constraints that call into question their continuity.

The interdisciplinary synthesis presented here aims to answer three key questions: How can the adaptive capacities of these grazing livestock systems be strengthened to respond to climatic, social and economic changes? How to improve their efficiency at different levels of organisation and on social, economic and environmental levels? Finally, how can these livestock systems contribute to innovation processes for the agro-ecological transition?

This book is based on recently published research by UMR Selmet (CIRAD-INRAE-Institut Agro) on a variety of sites around the world and in a broad international partnership. 

It is intended for the teaching and scientific community, students, and stakeholders in the livestock sector and in the territories, who are involved at different decision-making levels.

This book is available in French: Élevages au pâturage et développement durable des territoires méditerranéens et tropicaux





Chapter1 - Family-run ruminant grazing systems the in Mediterranean and Tropical areas and the challenges of sustainable development

Ruminant grazing systems in Mediterranean and Tropical areas

The potential contributions of ruminant grazing systems to SDGs and controversies

A general framework for conducting research on the contribution of livestock grazing systems to sustainable development

Chapter 2 - Adaptation to local and global shifts in livestock grazing systems


Adaptation in Mediterranean and Tropical pasture vegetation

Livestock robustness: physiological and behavioural levers of adaptation

Genetic diversity and adaptation of local breeds to their breeding environment

The mechanisms of adaptation analysed at the level of families and local communities

Adaptation trajectories of livestock in the territories: where does grazing fit in? What are the key factors?


Chapter 3 - The quest for efficiency, an approach to increase the contribution of livestock farming to the sustainable development of territories

Introduction: efficiency, from a simple ratio to an operational analysis framework to support the sustainable development of livestock systems

Efficiency to account for the complexity of the contributions of livestock grazing systems to climate change

The pursuit of efficiency to support the agroecological transition in livestock systems

Multicriteria assessment of efficiency to account for the multifunctionality of livestock grazing systems

Conclusion and perspectives

Chapter 4 - Inventions and innovations to promote the contribution of livestock grazing systems to the agroecological transition of agriculture


When we refer to inventions and innovations in our research on livestock grazing systems, what do we mean?

Inventions for better pooling information and integrating natural processes into the management of livestock grazing systems

Technical innovations to improve recycling and diversification of resources in livestock grazing systems

Organisational innovations to support the agroecological transition in territories and animal product value chains

Discussion and conclusion

Chapter 5 - Summary and conclusion. The place of family-run ruminant grazing systems in the Mediterranean and Tropical zones for sustainable development

Complex, diversified and dynamic livestock farming requiring improved insight

Contributions to the sustainable development goals that require support

Taking into account the multifunctionality of livestock grazing systems in the territories over the long term

General conclusion


Abbreviations and acronyms

List of authors


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Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Éditions Quae

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Matière à débattre et décider

Publication : 25 avril 2023

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9782759236930

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759237111

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 194

Intérieur : Couleur

Référence eBook [ePub] : 02883EPB

Référence eBook [PDF] : 02883NUM

Taille(s) : 6,03 Mo (ePub), 17,1 Mo (PDF)

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